Greetings and Best Wishes for 2019. In the thirty years that I have been practicing LGBT family law, I have seen so many changes, mostly positive. Last year was full of progress – and challenges. Here are a few highlights. CHALLENGES Today, the biggest legal, and cultural, threat to our families is the balancing of...Read More
Texas does not have a state-wide law prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people. This is more important than ever after the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision by the US Supreme Court. Please get involved in upcoming elections. More
I am so proud of former clients, Harvest and LaDonna, for their willingness to share their story with the Family Equality Council. This is such an important case and their story added a lot to the Masterpiece Cakeshop Amicus Brief. Courtesy of Equality Case Files Read More
The Masterpiece Cakeshop case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court is very important to our families. Religious freedom/liberty are important to our society – but not when they are used as an excuse for discrimination. This brief makes the arguments for our families. Please follow what is happening with this case. Brief of Amici...Read More
This is a very informative article on Regan Kibby, a 19 year old in the United States Navel Academy, who is asking a federal court for a preliminary injunction to block President Trump’s intention to ban transgender service members from serving in the military. “My main motivation for becoming part of this lawsuit was a...Read More
Thank you to Equality Texas, Texas Freedom Network, my clients who stepped up to the cause and all the individuals who worked tirelessly to defeat the “bathroom bill”. Together we made a difference!!Read More
I am proud to be on the NCLR National Family Law Advisory Council. The following is their press release regarding Trump’s transgender service member announcement: NCLR’s Shannon Price Minter responds to Trump’s announcement regarding transgender service members “In three tweets, Trump is purporting to fire 15,000 transgender service members” (Washington, D.C., July 26, 2017)—Today, Trump...Read More
The 2017 Texas Law, HB 3859, which allows broad discrimination by adoption agencies will undoubtedly harm the thousands of children who have already been abused or neglected by their birth parents and desperately need loving homes. The law allows agencies to discriminate because of any “sincerely held religious belief.” Private adoption agencies can already set...Read More
Following is a link to a wonderful gender spectrum website helping to educate folks on the issues of gender identity and being transgender. Per the article: “Dimensions of Gender? While our gender may begin with the assignment of our sex, it doesn’t end there. A person’s gender is the complex interrelationship between three dimensions: – Body: our...Read More